Exploration of Hydroponic Farming (Grades 9-10)
9 10Subjects
Food & Nutrition Health Science & Technology Social StudiesResource Type
Students will explore the advantages of hydroponics in respects to food insecurity in Canada. Students will learn about different negative food environments such as food swamps, food mirages and food desserts. Students will explore their learning through map creation in ArcGIS and ArcGIS StoryMaps. This lesson plan is designed primarily for the usage of a hydroponic system/hydroponic tower garden in the classroom. If the classroom does not have access to this system, please refer to Option B: Without Hydroponic Tower for materials needed to conduct this lesson and have students make their own modified hydroponic system.
This resource was made by AgScape in collaboration with AgriTech North and with the support of OMAFRA, Grassroots Growth Initiative and the Dryden Rotary Club.