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Art in Agriculture
This theme-based approach to visual art curriculum is an opportunity for students to learn about New Brunswick’s agricultural industry while being creative and strategizing with the elements and principles of art.
Career Profiles in Agriculture- Research and Development
Showcasing how research and development supports farmers, we travelled to Shippagan, NB to visit Valores to learn about what they do to support their local farmers. There are many different types of careers in agriculture, research and development is one important one.
Cooking Up Chicken
Students will learn about topics including food safety, food preparation, cooking, food security, chicken production, marketing, and more! This resource includes recipes, student worksheets, lab activities, handouts, and marking rubrics.
Fresh Stories
The new BC-AITC Fresh Stories provide education and activities related to BC grown fruits and vegetables (such as plums, kiwifruit, peaches, blueberries, tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers) and milk products for kindergarten to grade 9 students.
Great Canadian Farm Tour Season 4
Join us on Season 4 of the Great Canadian Farm Tour to learn about the diversity in food and agriculture that can be found in Canada. Watch tours of different farms and food facilities while also exploring more in the activity booklets.
Newest Edition: The Real Dirt on Farming in the Classroom
In this e-learning resource, The Real Dirt on Farming in the Classroom enables students to engage with the latest 6th Edition of The Real Dirt on Farming while examining its key areas – animal welfare, crops and plants, sustainability, agriculture policy, hot topics in our food system & more!
Worm Garden Teacher Guide
This guide includes everything you need to know to maintain a healthy, and happy Worm Garden as well as K-6 curriculum linked resources to use in your classroom!
The #MyFoodChoice resource is an inquiry based resource where students will lead their own research, to answer the question of "How can I make informed food choices?" Through the five lessons students will develop critical thinking skills by utilizing interactive student sheets, engaging videos, and more.
30 Favourite K-12 Agriculture & Food Resources
To celebrate BCAITC's 30 years of bringing agriculture and food education to BC classrooms, we've compiled a list of our 30 Favourite K-12 Agriculture and Food Resources! It includes most downloaded, top teachers' picks, and fun nostalgic lessons, unit plans, activities, storybooks, GIS applications, and more. Try them in your classroom today!
30 Favourite K-7 Agriculture Books
Since 1992, BCAITC has been bringing agriculture and food education to BC’s K-12 students! In celebration of our 30 years, we’ve rounded up our favourite K-12 books about agriculture and food. Happy reading!
30 School Garden Tips
In celebration of our 30 years, we've put together these 30 school garden tips. Discover ways to make your garden shine and cultivate success!
8 Dimensions of Wellness
What is Wellness? What does Wellness mean to you? Why is it important to learn about health? How do we practice wellness everyday in our lives? Wellness is an active effort a person makes to work towards reaching the best state of well-being and health possible for themselves. Wellness incorporates many different elements of well-being that are all connected. Read "8 Dimensions of Wellness" to learn more.
A Cow's Tale
Join Please, a Holstein dairy calf, as she grows up on Cowsville Dairy Farm. Please’s story answers your primary students’ questions about the fresh milk they’re drinking. Told in 13 chapters and including seasonal classroom activities and decorations this is the story of milk from moo to you.
A Guide To Aquaculture in Ontario
This resource allows for grade 7-12 students to explore and learn about Ontario's aquaculture industry, potential careers available as well as how to start an aquaculture business. What is fish farming, why is it important and how are fish produced? Learn more about Aquaculture in Ontario with this Teacher Guide that was designed with the support of and in collaboration with the Ontario Aquaculture Association.
A Scavenger Hunt Through BC's Agriculture Commodities
This virtual scavenger hunt lesson plan will help students learn about BC's agriculture commodities and the Agriculture Land Reserve through the online interactive Grow BC GIS map.
A Wetland Adventure
A fun experience is going on a wetland field trip and learning about wetland ecosystems by studying life in a local pond, slough, marsh, fen or bog. These areas are often found on a local farm, and farmers must avoid these areas for protection of the wetland, and also because it is too difficult to use them for agricultural purposes. Through your classroom studies, and studies in the field, you will learn about organisms that live in, on and around wetlands and about adaptations that suit pond organisms to their environment. Through observation and research, you will also learn about the interactions among wetland organisms and about the role of each organism as part of a food web. The role of human action in affecting wetland habitats and populations is also something you will study.
A to Z Activity Booklet
Explore agriculture and food through the alphabet. Through engaging facts and fun activities, youth will develop their agriculture and food vocabulary.
Ag Bites: Preserves
Preserving refers to the different ways you can keep your food from spoiling! Canning is one such method. The canning process is when you place food in a jar and then heat it at high temperatures until it becomes airtight and any undesirable bacteria or micro-organisms are killed. Learn how you can make apple compote and pickles through the canning preserving method!
Ag in Saskatchewan Game Show
A competitive and interactive quiz game that tests your student's knowledge about agriculture. With beginner, intermediate, and expert levels it can be used for a variety of different age levels.
AgScape Feeding Innovation - Trailer - Taylor Selig - AgScape Executive Director
In the trailer episode of Feeding Innovation podcast, we interview- ourselves! Host Jordan Sloggett talks to AgScape Executive Director Taylor Selig about our vision for this podcast, why we're choosing to launch a show that interviews innovators in the world of agriculture and food education.
AgScape Feeding Innovation - 01 - Tristan Hertzog, Chef and Teacher
In the first episode of the AgScape Feeding Innovation Podcast, we talk to teacher and professional chef Tristan Hertzog. Tristan shares his passion for imparting the importance of understanding where your ingredients come from, and how that understanding makes his students better chefs, and more informed participants in Ontario's food system.
AgScape Feeding Innovation - 02 - Katherine Jones, Growing Chefs Ontario
In the second episode of the AgScape Feeding Innovation Podcast, we talk to Chef and Educator Katherine Jones of Growing Chefs Ontario. Katherine talks about how Growing Chefs Ontario is changing the way we learn about and develop healthy relationships with food. Growing Chefs! Ontario is a registered charity based in London, Ontario that unites chefs, growers, educators and community members in children’s food education projects.
AgScape Feeding Innovation - 03 - Kaitlin Packer, Agriculture Writer
In this episode of Feeding Innovation Podcast, we speak to Agriculture Writer Kaitlin Packer. Kaitlin shares about her experience of realizing that writing was her passion, and discovering a creative career in agriculture and farming was for her. We also talk about how opinions around food and agriculture differ between rural and urban communities. How emerging technologies like social media can both be a bridge, and widen that gap, depending on how they're used.
AgScape Feeding Innovation - 04 - Randy Swain, Ontario Teacher
Randy Swain, Ontario Teacher joins us this episode to talk about how he built a unique, experiential learning agriculture & food based program at his school. He explains how teachers can take advantage of grant opportunities and collaborate to build similar programs. Randy has been teaching for 16 years, and started the Food For Thought Program 8 years ago.
30 out of 749 results